Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a common hormonal disorder among women of reproductive age group. It is more prevalent in northern India. Almost 1 in 4 women is having signs and symptoms of PCOS at some stage of their reproductive life.
Common Presentation:
1) Irregular periods : Usually delayed periods with heavy and prolonged cycles.
2) Excess Male Hormone (Androgen): Acne, Facial hair growth, Baldness.
3) Ultrasound showing polycystic appearance of ovaries with garland-like arrangement of follicles Vs cysts around the periphery of the ovary.
If any of the two features mentioned above are present then we can say that the female is having PCOS. Having a single symptom does not label her as a case of polycystic disease.
When To Consult a Doctor :
During Adolescence :
If having very prolonged cycles, excess weight gain, any of the features of excess androgen secretion like acne ,facial hair growth or baldness.
After Marriage:
If facing difficulty in conceiving or suffering from any of the above symptoms.
There are many treatments available in the market for PCOS but it should be taken only after consulting your gynaecologist. There is no permanent treatment for this condition.
Best treatment is regular exercise and weight management. Consultation with the doctor is always recommended for any specific concerns and a targeted approach to this disorder should be followed.